When Life Happens

Have you ever had one of those weeks? I know it’s a cliche, but truly when it rains, it pours. At least it does for me. Have I told you about my rather odd work situation? I guess it’s a “God thing.” In 2006, I was laid off from my editing role at a Christian university in northeastern Wisconsin. Through various circumstances (which I’ve documented in other articles), God opened the door for me to start editing for various clients from home. The interesting thing is, this venture has truly been one rocky road, a true faith journey. Some months, I frankly have no idea what I’ll be doing  for income. I just pray, and God provides. It’s almost mystical. Meanwhile, as my daughters get older, the more expensive their needs become. Hence, the pressure. Hence the hot flash I get every few months when I see the bills, look…

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A Sure Cure for Writer’s Ego

Recently, I came across a guest blog at a popular website about Christian fiction. The author (who shall remain nameless) was talking about how she wrote her stories and mentioned that she’d written over one hundred books. Wow. That’s quite an achievement. I’m sure many of us would love to be in her shoes. Cold, Empty Feeling The post was informative and inspiring. But when I reached the final period, an emptiness echoed deep in my soul, reminding me of an audio interview I had listened to last spring. Another successful Christian author answered questions about his vast career and publishing fame. The conclusion of that interview had left me with the same cold, empty feeling. Now, let me pause and say this: I want to be very careful that readers don’t write me off as being harsh and judgmental. I don’t know the hearts of these authors, and I’m…

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I Miss You, Dad

It’s hard to sum up a life in only a few words. And this offering certainly doesn’t do this amazing worker, provider, father, husband, and grandfather justice. Exactly one year ago today, my father, Larry, only 71, said good-bye to this life and stepped into a much better one after a two-and-half-year struggle with brain cancer. He left behind a wife, a daughter, three sons, a son-in-law, three daughters-in-law, and eleven grandkids. Beyond a few mementos and clothes that didn’t fit my brothers but fit me perfectly, all I have left of Dad, a GM retiree, are scriptural values and beliefs he instilled in my life. And of course precious memories—and what a treasure trove I have to draw from. Not only for my writing but just to remember Dad for who he was. Lest I ever forget. I’ll never forget the beautiful Revolutionary War-style muzzleloader Dad built from a…

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Release Date Changed to January 2013

. . . And a Chat about Discouragement Questions. Were you born with them the same way I was? Why does such and such happen? Why is life seemingly so much tougher for me than for ______ ? Why is life so hard? Recently I grappled with more questions when my publisher’s publicist e-mailed me. Due to circumstances beyond his control, the release of The Tenth Plague has been moved from the end of this September to January 15, 2013. Pardon Me While I Vent I could be very discouraged by this news. Why? The process of getting this second novel to any semblance of the printed page for readers has been one of the most frustrating and time-consuming trials in recent memory. I won’t bore you with the details. Suffice it to say, I’ve faced seemingly endless delays, constant rejection, false hopes, discouragement, lack of affirmation, the death of…

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