Publishing Update

Publishing Update

Hey, folks! Lots going on, so I wanted to quickly touch base before I need to zip off to my next project. What’s going on in my world of publishing? The answer is “lots.” First, Fatal Illusions (now published by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas) is getting a new cover (see left). That should be done soon. Second, out of the blue, my publisher of The Tenth Plague contacted me, wanting to do a paperback release of the novel this spring. Expect it to come out sometime in April. The editors are going through it now, and I’m requesting several endorsements. I’m planning a traditional release with giveaways and other fun events. Third, I’m seeking a literary agent for my third novel, Drone, which I hope to be the first book in a possible trilogy. No word yet on the agent or publisher—these steps can take time. I’ve never had a literary…

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