Write for My Blog or Work on My Novel?

This is what the question has come to. I wish I could be Superman and do all of it—write for my blog and work on my next novel—but I simply can’t do both well. That’s just the simple truth. Not with my editing schedule to pay the bills. Working on my blog frankly means less time to work on my novel, and I’m committed to finishing novel #3 this year. So what’s gonna have to give? The blog’s gotta give. Going forward, I plan to write an article every other week instead of every week. I hope to continue writing insteresting content for fiction writers or lovers of Christian suspense or both. I’ve also recently updated the look of my website and recently programmed a store, showcasing some of my favorite books. Let me know what you think. How’s the novel coming? It’s coming. Just not as quickly as I would…

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How to Plot Your Novel with a Simple Spreadsheet

Have you ever wondered what a novel looks like in a spreadsheet? The outline, I mean. Maybe you’re wondering what a novel outline even is. When I say outline, what pops in your head? Is it something like this? I. This is the first heading. A. This is a subheading. 1. This is a subsubheading. No, I’m not referring to an outline for a high school English term paper. I’m referring to a novel. When I say outline, I’m merely referring to some kind of organizational structure behind the story—a blueprint, if you will, that shows all the critical ingredients that must work together behind the scenes for the story to work. You may be surprised to learn how many organizational details must work together to make a good story, especially for a suspense novel with multiple characters and settings on a timeline. There are actually lots of ways to…

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Priorities and Possibilities in 2014

Priorities and Possibilities in 2014

When 2013 ended, yes, I’d finished a great year of making income for my family, but I’d fallen far short of my writing goals. I’d failed to complete the first draft of my third novel, which I’m tentatively calling Drone. I tend to get down on myself when I don’t meet my personal goals, but then I have to remind myself that I have priorities that must come before my writing—namely, supporting my wife and two daughters. So while I didn’t meet my writing goals, I kept food on the table—and really, what’s more important? That’s an easy question to answer. God doesn’t go soft on men who fail to provide for those under their care (1 Tim. 5:8). So yes, I do have a personal goal to finish novel number three in 2014, but I also temper that goal with an important truth. God gives us just enough time…

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Merry Christmas from the Blumers

Merry Christmas from the Blumers

Dear Family and Friends, As each Christmas approaches, we find ourselves thinking, Wow. The end of another year . . . already? I guess the cliché is true: time really does fly when you’re having fun. Of course, not every aspect of life is as enjoyable as others, but each plays its part in God’s design for us. Laura (12) and Julia (9) stayed busy with church events, homeschool challenges, piano lessons on Tuesdays, and horse-riding lessons on Wednesdays. Both girls found their biggest challenge to be mathematics. Laura is tackling the more complicated concepts of seventh-grade math (we are very thankful for BJU Press math DVDs), while Julia is currently immersed in geometry. Horseback riding continues to be their favorite activity, with piano as a close second. We are excited to see the girls excel on a musical instrument they can use throughout life to glorify God and minister…

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